chromecast 协议_如何解决常见的Google Chromecast问题
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chromecast 协议

chromecast 协议

Most users have a smooth and trouble free experience with the Google Chromecast, but when it misbehaves the experience quickly goes from flawless to nearly unusable. Read on as we highlight the simply tweaks and fixes you can apply to get an underperforming Chromecast zipping along again.

大多数用户使用Google Chromecast都能获得流畅,无故障的体验,但是如果出现异常,体验很快就会从无瑕疵变为几乎无法使用。 请继续阅读,我们会重点介绍您可以应用的简单调整和修复,以再次获得效果不佳的Chromecast压缩。

Note: Although we’ve focused on the Chromecast due to its popularity and the number of reader requests for assistance we receive based on that popularity, most of the following tips and tricks can be applied to just about every streaming HDMI stick including the Amazon Fire TV Stick and the , as they address quite a few issues that apply to the entire hardware category.

注意:尽管我们由于Chromecast的受欢迎程度以及基于该受欢迎程度而收到的读者请求帮助的数量而专注于Chromecast,但以下大多数技巧和窍门几乎可以应用于包括Amazon Fire在内的几乎所有流式HDMI棒TV Stick和可以解决许多与整个硬件类别有关的问题。

In the realm of streaming HDMI sticks the ease of use and application integration the Google Chromecast enjoys is as-of-yet unparalleled. We loved it , and we still love it. That said, the user experience of the Chromecast usually falls into two distinct categories: unbelievably easy to setup and use or very frustrating.

在流媒体HDMI领域,Google Chromecast享有无与伦比的易用性和应用程序集成。 我们很喜欢它我们仍然喜欢它。 也就是说,Chromecast的用户体验通常分为两类:难以置信的易于设置和使用或令人沮丧。

It shouldn’t be very frustrating, however, so let’s run through a list of things you can do to troubleshoot a misbehaving Chromecast to get the smoothest user experience possible. The following tricks are focused on improving your general Chromecast experience; if your Chromecast is giving you specific error messages we recommend using Google’s handy .

不过,它应该不会很令人沮丧,因此,让我们仔细研究一下您可以采取的措施,以排查Chromecast的异常行为,以尽可能获得最佳的用户体验。 以下技巧着重于改善您的一般Chromecast体验; 如果您的Chromecast给您特定的错误消息,建议您使用Google方便的 。

Chromecast自发重启 (Chromecast Spontaneously Restarts)

If your Chromecast’s video output is blacking out sporadically (as opposed to pausing to buffer), the Chromecast restarts altogether, or the Chromecast is stuck in a loop of rebooting constantly, this is the section for you.


检查电源 (Check the Power Supply)

If your Chromecast isn’t stuck outright in an endless reboot loop the culprit is almost always a poor quality power supply.


Many users hijack the USB service port on their television as a very convenient way to provide power. While we don’t fault you for doing it this way (and we, in fact, used to do it this very way as evidenced by the photos in our original Chromecast review) it’s not actually the most ideal way to power your Chromecast.

许多用户劫持了电视上的USB服务端口,这是一种非常方便的供电方式。 尽管我们不会以这种方式来指责您(事实上,我们过去通常以这种方式来做到这一点,正如我们最初的Chromecast评测中的照片所证明的那样),但这实际上并不是驱动Chromecast的最理想方法。

Not only do most HDTV sets cut the power to the USB port when the television is off (therefore you have to wait for your Chromecast to restart and potentially download an update every time you start your TV) but not all USB ports are created equal on HDTV sets and it’s possible that the port, especially on cheaper sets, is out of spec, poorly grounded, or otherwise not provided clean and steady power to your Chromecast.


If you’re using the USB port on your HDTV to power your Chromecast, your first troubleshooting stop should be to plug it into the power supply that came with the Chromecast and power it off wall current.


If, after switching the cable from the TV to USB port to the included charger, you find that this doesn’t resolve the spontaneous restarting or video blackouts the next step would be to replace both the charger and the USB cord. While most of us have extra cellphone chargers laying around, if you want a brand new one you can always pick up a highly rated charger like . You’ll spend a few bucks more than a generic charger but you’ll get a higher quality product with a safer and more consistent power supply.

如果将电缆从电视切换到USB端口,再连接到随附的充电器后,如果您发现这不能解决自发重启或视频中断的问题,那么下一步就是更换充电器和USB电缆。 虽然我们大多数人都在使用额外的手机充电器,但是如果您想要一个全新的手机充电器,则可以随时选择类的高品质 。 您将比通用充电器多花几美元,但您将获得质量更高,电源更安全,更稳定的产品。

恢复出厂设置 (Factory Reset)

While unpredictable black screens and reboots are typically the result of a poor power supply it’s a significantly less likely (but not impossible) culprit when it comes to reboot loops.


If your Chromecast gets stuck in a permanent reboot loop that isn’t resolved by simply unplugging the unit’s power source for a few minutes and plugging it back in, there’s a good chance that something went awry during a firmware update or a key bit of data on the device was corrupted (potentially as a result of a the kind of poor power supply problems we highlighted in the previous section).


To resolve your issue you can perform a soft or hard reset (although if it is cycling quickly a soft reset is generally out of the question). The short of it is this: hold the physical button on your Chromecast (near the power port) for 25 seconds until the power light blinks. If you want more information about the ins and outs of soft and hard resets, .

要解决您的问题,您可以执行软重置或硬重置(尽管如果快速循环,则通常不希望进行软重置)。 简而言之,就是:按住Chromecast上的物理按钮(靠近电源端口)25秒钟,直到电源指示灯闪烁。 如果您想了解有关软重置和硬重置的详细信息, 。

If neither swapping out the power source nor factory resetting the device solves the blackouts and/or reboot loop, you’ll need to return your Chromecast (if it’s less than one year old for a new unit or 90 days for a refurbished unit). You can find .

如果不更换电源或工厂重置都无法解决停电和/或重新启动循环的情况,则您需要退回Chromecast(如果新设备的使用期限不足一年,翻新设备的使用期限不足90天)。 您可以找到 。

视频断断续续或掉线 (Video Stutters or Drops Out)

Less serious than the outright failures outlined in the previous section, stuttering video, excessive buffering, or temporary blackouts in the video stream are still annoying and greatly reduce your viewing enjoyment. Fortunately they’re much easier to iron out. Let’s take a look at the common causes.

与上一节中概述的彻底故障相比,严重程度不够严重,视频流卡顿,过多的缓冲或临时的中断仍然令人讨厌,并且极大地降低了您的观看乐趣。 幸运的是,它们熨烫起来要容易得多。 让我们看一下常见原因。

Wi-Fi信号差 (Poor Wi-Fi Signal)

The Chromecast and HDMI streaming friends are all Wi-Fi only which means a lackluster Wi-Fi signal is the outright death of them. The simplest, albeit not the most sophisticated, way to check the Chromecast’s signal strength is to look at the Chromecast’s splash screen (the screen displayed when there is no video playing and the device is idle).

Chromecast和HDMI流媒体朋友全都是Wi-Fi,这意味着Wi-Fi信号不佳会直接导致他们死亡。 检查Chromecast信号强度的最简单(尽管不是最复杂)方法是查看Chromecast的启动屏幕(没有视频播放且设备处于空闲状态时显示的屏幕)。

In the lower lefthand corner a small amount of rotating text is displayed. Wait for your Wi-Fi network name to appear and then check the signal strength indicator beside it. The indicator uses the common 4-bars representation to display signal strength.

在左下角会显示少量旋转文本。 等待您的Wi-Fi网络名称出现,然后检查旁边的信号强度指示器。 该指示器使用通用的4条表示来显示信号强度。

If you have poor signal strength, per the Chromecast’s reporting, there are two primary approaches you can take. To decide which approach is most appropriate, take another Wi-Fi enabled device like a phone, tablet, or laptop over by your HDTV and check the signal strength.

根据Chromecast的报告,如果信号强度较差,则可以采用两种主要方法。 要确定哪种方法最合适,请将另一台启用Wi-Fi的设备(如电话,平板电脑或笔记本电脑)放在HDTV旁,然后检查信号强度。

扩展Chromecast以减少干扰 (Extend the Chromecast for Less Interference)

If your other device has a strong signal by the television but the Chromecast does not, there’s a good chance that the position of the Chromecast itself is the culprit. To that end you need to get your Chromecast away from the body of the TV and/or away from the wall.

如果您的其他设备在电视上发出的信号很强,但Chromecast却没有,则很有可能Chromecast本身的位置是罪魁祸首。 为此,您需要将Chromecast远离电视机身和/或墙壁。

The easiest way to that is to included with the Chromecast (which you should be using anyway because it protects your Chromecast from shearing damage if anyone or thing puts pressure on the connection point). In extreme cases where you, say, have a very thick and well- shielded plasma HDTV or the like against a lathe plaster wall at the edge of your router’s reach, you might need to extend your Chromecast further away from the body of the TV and wall with .

最简单的方法是 Chromecast随附 (无论如何,您都应该使用它,因为如果有人对连接点施加压力,它可以保护Chromecast免受剪切损伤)。 例如,在极端情况下,您将非常厚且屏蔽良好的等离子高清电视或类似产品贴在路由器可及范围边缘的车床石膏墙上,则可能需要将Chromecast延伸得离电视机体更远,并且使用墙壁。

增强您的Wi-Fi信号 (Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal)

Speaking of your router, if both the Chromecast and the mobile device you put near your HDTV to test the signal have poor signal strength it’s likely that your Chromecast is on the edge of your router’s range and the only real solution is to either move the whole setup, TV included, closer to the router, to move the router closer to the TV, to upgrade the router to increase signal strength and range, or to use some sort of Wi-Fi extender (like the ) to extend your Wi-Fi network.

说到路由器,如果您放置在高清电视附近的Chromecast和移动设备用于测试信号的信号强度都很差,则可能是Chromecast处于路由器范围的边缘,唯一的解决方案是要么移动整个设置,包括电视,靠近路由器,将路由器靠近电视,升级路由器以增加信号强度和范围,或使用某种Wi-Fi扩展器(例如 )进行扩展您的Wi-Fi网络。

Full featured extenders like the EX1600 that include an ethernet port for LAN-to-Wi-Fi extension are especially useful if you have an ethernet drop near your entertainment center as you can create a strong and very local Wi-Fi access point just for your Chromecast and other media center devices.


网络拥塞 (Congested Network)

If you have a strong Wi-Fi signal per the Chromecast and your proximity-to-HDTV test and, importantly, you know you have a speedy enough broadband connection to deliver the content you want to watch, the most likely culprit is network congestion. This congestion can take two distinct forms that require two distinct solutions.

如果每个Chromecast的Wi-Fi信号强度都很高,并且您可以接近HDTV,并且重要的是,您知道自己的宽带连接速度足够快,可以提供想要观看的内容,那么最可能的原因就是网络拥塞。 这种拥塞可以采取两种不同的形式,需要两种不同的解决方案。

加强服务质量(QoS) (Enforce Quality of Service (QoS))

The first kind of congestion is the kind of congestion you inflict upon yourself: heavy local traffic. If you have a lot of connected devices in your home chewing up bandwidth in their various ways (people gaming, downloading updates, file sharing, etc.) the performance of individual activities can suffer and in the case of more time/lag sensitive activities like streaming video the quality of playback and suffer greatly.

第一种拥塞是您对自己造成的拥塞:当地交通繁忙。 如果您家中有许多连接的设备以​​各种方式(人们玩游戏,下载更新,文件共享等)消耗带宽,则个别活动的性能可能会受到影响,并且在时间/延迟更敏感的活动中,例如流媒体视频的播放质量和损失很大。

This is where Quality of Server (QoS) rules come into place. QoS rules allow you to prioritize certain types of traffic over other types of traffic to provide a better user experience. While many new routers are quite good at automatically recognizing types of traffic and automatically prioritizing streaming services over other services to ensure they have enough bandwidth, not all routers do this and most older routers do not.

这就是服务器质量(QoS)规则的地方。 QoS规则使您可以将某些类型的流量优先于其他类型的流量,以提供更好的用户体验。 尽管许多新路由器非常擅长自动识别流量类型并自动将流服务优先于其他服务,以确保它们具有足够的带宽,但并非所有路由器都这样做,而大多数较旧的路由器却没有。

While the QoS setup is slightly different on each router, the general premise is the same: find the things you want prioritize and give them a high ranking so when those things (like the Chromecast) demand more bandwidth they get it and don’t have to compete with other less important data streams.


更改您的Wi-Fi频道 (Change Your Wi-Fi Channel)

The other kind of network congestion is not a bandwidth congestion issue as we just highlighted but an wireless spectrum congestion issue. The Chromecast, unfortunately, doesn’t support 5GHz Wi-Fi and is stuck on the 2.4GHz band; the 2.4GHz band is quite congested with traffic (especially if you live in a big apartment complex where there may be dozens of routers right around you).

另一类网络拥塞不是我们刚刚强调的带宽拥塞问题,而是无线频谱拥塞问题。 不幸的是,Chromecast不支持5GHz Wi-Fi,并且停留在2.4GHz频段; 2.4GHz频段的通信非常拥挤(尤其是如果您住在一个大型公寓大楼中,而您周围可能有数十个路由器)。

In such a case you can have a strong Wi-Fi signal but when it comes to consistent data transmission (the kind you want for smooth video playback) a heavy use 2.4GHz band can cause problems. Alas you can’t switch the Chromecast to the 5GHz band but you can check which channels (the subdivisions of the 2.4GHz band used by 2.4GHz routers) are the most optimal for your location.

在这种情况下,您可以拥有很强的Wi-Fi信号,但是当涉及到一致的数据传输(想要平滑播放视频的那种)时,频繁使用2.4GHz频段可能会造成问题。 las,您无法将Chromecast切换到5GHz频段,但是可以检查哪个频道(2.4GHz路由器使用的2.4GHz频段的细分)最适合您的位置。

To that end you’ll want to and use the tools therein to determine which channel is the least congested.


凸片铸造滞后 (Tab Casting Lag)

Our final trick, unlike the prior tips that can be broadly applied with a little tweaking to the Fire TV Stick and the , is very Chromecast centric: how to improve local tab casting.

我们的最终技巧与以前的技巧不同,可以通过对Fire TV Stick和 Stick进行一些调整来广泛应用,而这些技巧是非常以Chromecast为中心的:如何改善本地标签的投射。

One of the experimental, but widely used, features the Chromecast sports is the ability to cast pretty much anything from the Chrome web browser tab to your Chromecast. While that’s a fantastic feature, it definitely lives up to its beta tag and doesn’t always provide the same perfectly smooth experience a well-configured Chromecast provides when, say, streaming YouTube.

Chromecast运动具有实验性但广泛使用的功能之一是能够将几乎所有内容从Chrome网络浏览器标签投射到您的Chromecast。 虽然这是一项了不起的功能,但它肯定符合其beta标签,并且在流式传输YouTube时,并不总是能提供配置良好的Chromecast所提供的同样完美的流畅体验。

Although it doesn’t necessarily make your casting experience any prettier, if you’ve already done your best to rule out Wi-Fi problems, and you’re still having issues with tab casting, the best option is to hop into the options for the Chrome extension and adjust the video quality. By right clicking on the Chromecast extension in Chrome and selecting options you can access this menu (note: the prior direct link only works if you’re using Chrome with the Chromecast extension installed).

尽管不一定能使您的投射体验更漂亮,但如果您已尽力排除了Wi-Fi问题,并且标签投射仍然存在问题,最好的选择是跳入以下选项: Chrome扩展程序并调整视频质量。 通过右键单击Chrome中的Chromecast扩展并选择选项,您可以访问此菜单 (注意:仅当您使用安装了Chromecast扩展的Chrome时,先前的直接链接才有效)。

Here you can dial it down as low as 480p. Your cast might not look as pretty, but a loss of resolution to ensure no dropped frames and smooth playback, is a small price to pay.

在这里您可以将其低至480p。 您的演员表可能看起来并不那么漂亮,但是要确保没有丢帧和流畅播放的分辨率下降,这是一个很小的代价。

With a few simple tweaks and careful troubleshooting you can get your Chromecast up and running to enjoy the smooth experience you’d expect. Have a Chromecast and want to do more with it? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com with your Chromecast inquiries and we’ll do our best to help.

通过一些简单的调整和仔细的故障排除,您可以启动并运行Chromecast,以享受您期望的流畅体验。 拥有Chromecast,并想做更多呢? 向我们发送电子邮件至Ask@howtogeek.com,其中包含您对Chromecast的查询,我们将竭尽所能。


chromecast 协议


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